Benevolent Services
At RGV we provide practical resources to help those in need. Our benevolent fund has helped people from our community in so many ways. Below is an example of just some of those:
Free Meals & groceries Car repair
Meals to homebound Rides
Home repair Rent Subsidy
Medical Utilities
Temp work opportunities Gas
Community Service Workforce Development
Free budget assessment & financial counseling
Our application process ensures people receive a hand up, not a hand out. Inquire at the office for an application. NOTE: We are currently restructuring our benevolence program and will have more information soon on the new process to make requests.
Each year we have the opportunity to reach out to our greater community with events such as free BBQ's, neighborhood block parties, school supply giveaways, clothing giveaways, gas/grocery giveaways, free music lessons, Christmas meals, etc.
RGV supports various mission efforts locally and internationally including Mexico church plants, Indian Reservations, Loaves, Pantry, Hope House and many more. Please check out our FB page or Events page for upcoming mission opportunities.

Small Groups and Bible Studies
At RGV We offer various small group, book studies and Bible Studies throughout the year. We believe it's critical to our growth to be connected in smaller communities of people. Check on our events page or send us an email to see what is going on now.
Counseling, Care &
Prayer Ministries
We offer numerous resources for people to get spiritual, emotional, relational and physical healing. These include discipleship, mentoring, healing prayer opportunities and counseling. Our pastors, counselors and prayer teams are well trained and have years of experience. See each of the descriptions below:
We use "Saving Your Marriage Before it Starts" Assessment tools for our pre-marital assessment and counseling. Check out more information or sign up for an assessment here.
We also provide crisis marriage counseling, the first session is free, and we will assess next steps from there. Email us to connect.
DISCIPLESHIP - This is a one-on-one meeting with your discipler weekly or every other week for approximately 6 months where you go through a particular Bible study or book to develop better Biblical knowledge. Request to be discipled.
MENTORING - Here you can sign up to meet with a mentor once a month for approximately 6 months where you chat about life (goals, troubles, direction, etc). Request a mentor.
COUNSELING - Our free counseling services are for those that attend RGV. We do also make low cost counseling available to those outside the RGV family. If you are in need of counseling, please call the church at 719-315-GROW.
SOZO PRAYER MINISTRY - SOZO in Greek means Saved, Healed & Delivered. It is a special prayer technique developed through the Bethel Church. You can request a SOZO by clicking here.
HEALING PRAYER MINISTRY TIME - these dedicated prayer times bring encouragement, proclaim scriptures over you, can include deliverance and use various prayer techniques. Our teams are trained through the School of Kingdom Ministry, Freedom from Darkness, 5 Step Prayer Model, etc. You can request a prayer time here.
Extraordinary Ministry School will not have classes for the 23/24 school year. The vision of the XM is to invite young people to step into extraordinary relationship with Jesus. XM is a life changing program for young adults who are chasing Jesus and ready for the next steps.
No classes for 23/24 school year.